
Gratitude to Donors for Enriching Children’s Lives

This month we would like to highlight and express our gratitude to our donors. Because of the support from our donors, our trash picker’s children can receive formal school education. The schools broaden their horizons and provide them with various opportunities including the opportunity to take part in a Study Tour or Field Study programs.

Gratitude to Donors for Enriching Children’s Lives Read More »


Scholarship Program for Elementary and High School Students

In 2016, as we continued to keep our mission of Education alive, XSProject started a scholarship program for elementary to high school children providing them with school fees and for those who wished to continue their higher education entering a college or university. We started with only 1 student and gradually in the second year,

Scholarship Program for Elementary and High School Students Read More »

+62 812 1053 614

Jl. WR Supratman no. 110A RT 005 RW 0100
Kel. Rengas. Kec. Ciputat Timur – Pondok Ranji
Kota Tangerang Selatan
Banten 15412

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