Our Programs
Working toward a sustainable solid waste and recycling system in Indonesia that offers fair wages and lifts people out of poverty.
Scholarships: A pathway to success
Access to a reasonable standard of education from an early age is critical to helping children break free from a life of picking trash and poverty. The earlier they begin their education, the better their chances of completing school and finding meaningful work as young adults. The XSEducation Scholarship program caters to trash picker's children living in the Cirendeu community. Every child that enters the program will receive at least 12 years of schooling with some even completing college, and it's all paid for by XSProject. The scholarship also includes books, school supplies and uniforms.

Beyond the books
Even when a child starts their education early, there are many obstacles that can prevent them from continuing to success. Health issues like vision and hearing impairments or even dental problems can create real barriers to a child's ability to learn effectively. Reaching beyond the books, the XSEducation program provides each child with a free health checkup every year. This includes eye exams, eye glasses, hearing checks, dental work, medications and vaccinations.

Sponsoring a child's education can change a life!
Being a Sponsor for a child in the XSEducation program can be a rewarding opportunity to change a child's life. Whether you decide to sponsor our pre-school program which is preparing children for the first grade, or a child going to elementary or middle school or you choose to support one of our older students attending high school/vocational school, your gift of support will provide everything your student needs for a successful education.

Children sponsored by XSProject
You can sponsor a child's education
Growing a healthy community
More than 100 families have built their homes on the garbage dump at Cirendeu near Jakarta. Typhoid and tuberculosis are common but serious issues in the community. The air they breathe is polluted; a toxic mix of methane gas emitted from rotting rubbish and smoke from piles of burning trash. It's no surprise this environment causes them significant health problems.
Good health is essential for communities to experience transformation. Children need to be healthy, to grow and learn. Adults need to be healthy to earn.
The XSHealth program exists to help meet these needs and promote positive health outcomes for the people of the Cirendeu community. Children are given first priority for emergency medical assistance when they are sick.

XSProject pays for:
- birth certificates for children
- immunizations
- birth control for women
- chest x-rays to check for TB
- eye checkups and glasses
Services provided:
- health check-ups for children before they start primary school
- classes teaching a basic understanding of health and nutrition
- ear checkups
Vocational Training
Most of the trash pickers are men. They are out on the streets all day collecting trash while often, the women are left to sort yesterday's trash for recycling. With little or no education, these women have no chance of making a living on their own to better provide for their families.
To help mothers find opportunities to earn extra income, vocational training programs are offered. Skills like sewing, jewelry making and cooking are taught. These courses are run in collaboration with other Indonesian foundations.

Community Infrastructure
By sponsoring infrastructure projects, we are able to provide outcomes that will improve the standard of living for the entire trash picking community. Past projects include fixing a communal bathroom and the installation of a water reservoir.
We also maintain an emergency fund to help rebuild homes in the community lost to fire or flooding.
XSProject conducts workshops on the process of "upcycling". We teach techniques for creative waste reuse and how to transform it into desirable consumer products. We also educate people about the impact of waste on society and the environment.

Volunteering & Internships
Join us for an exciting experience volunteering with our social and environmental projects. Expose yourself to a different way of life. Learn about another culture and how trash can be transformed. It will be a life-changing experience! Contact us to find out what we are currently offering.
Want to volunteer?

Since we started the University Program 7 years ago, Ariska is the 7th students who we have funded from primary school all the way to College graduation. Ariska and her parents was at the Graduation Day early this month. She graduated for her Diploma degree in Nursing with Cumlaude.
Ariska said, ‘I chose to study Nursing, because I have a strong desire to help my family and others to improve their health. I learned a lot more than what I thought I knew, such as nursing, pharmacy, lab analyse, radiography,, etc’.
When asked about her challenge in pursuing her education, she said the challenge is in the financial limitation in continuing her education. But with the help of XSProject, support from both her parents, and stay focus on the goals. She was able to finish it.
Ariska then said, ‘I want to give back to the organization that have helped me all these years, by sharing what I have learned to other students the important of health and education, so that it can motivate them to continue to study while they have the opportunity to receive support from XSProject, because I understand how expensive the education is in Indonesia. I want more children to have the same opportunity as I have received’
Read more about this story at
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