Following up our report on our Community and the Covid-19 pandemic couple months ago, and as we are not sure when is this going to be over, XSProject see the needs for the community and the staff to be periodically tested for Covid-19. In Indonesia this is usually done first with an economical antibody test. If the result is reactive, then it is followed up with a more accurate swab test to confirm the infection.
As we know, the trash pickers are among the most vulnerable people. Their work was already dangerous and susceptible to the corona virus, but they must keep working by collecting trash to survive.
Our community has been very lucky that they have been receiving food donations during the first two months since the pandemic began, and also during the Fasting month and end of Ramadan holidays.
So this month we conducted an antibody test for the Community, starting with the fathers.
It was hard to convince them to take the test, because they are afraid of the results. If the test results are reactive, they risk being isolated and rejected by their neighbors.
However, the doctor was able to present and explain what Covid is, how and why the test is done, why it is important and what kind of results may be expected, and steps to prevent Covid. This helped convince the men to be tested.
Luckily the result for all 30 men was negative! Now we plan to test all of the moms in another few weeks.
Thank you to all donors and GlobalGiving for giving us the opportunity to provide the Covid test for our Community.