New School Academic Year 2020 – 2021

In Indonesia, most of the new school academic year for 2020 – 2021 has been started since the beginning of August, which is about 2 weeks ago. There is no official statement about changing the rule of distance learning to offline as usual for this new academic year. Therefore, the government was instructing the students to remain studying from home. This policy was released by the Department of Education as a program during this pandemic for public school, which most of XSProject – XSEducation children are from.

        As usual, one of the routines that they still have to do even when studying from home is wearing their formal uniform. From the past several years of experiences before the pandemic, children would look forward to receiving new school essentials, such as a backpack, shoes, school uniform, and stationery. This year, all the students from elementary up to high school have the opportunities to get the school essentials that they need.

        Several obstacles should be solved by increasing discipline between parents and their children. Other than that, parents are having problem to teach their children about the school materials. Some are also struggling with the use of the internet as the medium to connect between school and children, the internet connection, and lastly, is the use of wi-fi as it is not applicable for everyone. Although everyone is having a hard time during this challenging time especially focusing to study at home, the children are still keeping their spirits up to acquire the knowledge from school.

        Nevertheless, with the help from donator through GlobalGiving XSProject – XSEducation, children in Cirendeu are able to continue their education every day.

2 thoughts on “New School Academic Year 2020 – 2021”

  1. This is the best decision by the government. It’s too important for Indonesian students and their future. I salute the GlobalGiving XSProject – XSEducation for your Donation. It will be helpful for Indonesian children.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for your comment and your kind words.
      We understand how hard it is for many many parents who have to supervise and become their teachers during this Pandemic, especially for those who have very limited resources, such as internet and/or wifi access, places to study for their children and computers, etc, etc.
      The parents of the children at our Cirendeu Community were so happy when we offer our community center to continue their study. They have more rooms and they can still study with their friends and we can still maintain the protocol to avoid the pandemic.

      Thank you again.

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