I want to study a subject that I am interested in

Our purpose is to motivate and encourage trash pickers and other less fortunate children to aim for higher education since we started this project with the GlobalGiving community 9 years ago. Coming to our year 10, we would like to start sharing with you the story of some of the children who have been with us since they were in Primary or  Middle School (MS) until today they are in college.

Laila is one of our College Students. She is studying at one of the Universities in Jakarta, specializing in teaching education. We share below her experience and her journey in her own words:

\”Nowadays less and fewer young people are interested in teaching and I have been wanting to become one”

Laila came to XSProject when she almost quit her last year of MS (Middle School) because her father could not afford her school expenses. \”I could not participate in school exams, but when XSProject helped pay my expenses, I passed the exams with good grades. I was able to continue my study through HS (High School) and now I am in College.\”

\”My parents inspire me to continue my education while I have the opportunity and the support from XSProject. My father has to work hard to provide for his family. With only Primary education, it was hard for him to get a good and steady job, especially when my mother passed away when I was in Middle School. I want to prove to my father and fulfill my late mother\’s wish for me to have a much higher education than them.\”

\”Being a university student, I want to earn more skills and knowledge beyond the classes. I join campus activities, such as teaching workshops, student leadership workshops, etc.\”

\”Recently I received the news from the University that I have been one of the University scholarship recipients for 2 years. I hope to be able to graduate by that time. I am thrilled because I can prove to my father and XSProject that I can do better because of the support.\”

\”I thank you very much for GlobalGiving donors for the continuous support through XSProject.\” – Laila

Laila – at the Teaching Workshop

Laila – Left – at Students Leadership Workshop


Laila – Back row no. 9 from left

2 thoughts on “I want to study a subject that I am interested in”

  1. Terima kasih kepada Ibu Retno dan yayasan XSProject atas bantuannya selama ini sehingga saya bisa Kuliah dengan Jurusan yang saya minati

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