Nurdin after taking one of his entrance tests
Nurdiansyah or Nurdin he likes to be called is one of the four graduates from vocational school who has decided to continue their education to a higher degree.
Nurdin has always wanted to have his own car garage business. That is why he chose to study automotive mechanics in vocational high school.
Three years later, he continues to pursue his dream. Nurdin applied to a training center sponsored by the Ministry of Labor. It is free training, but he had to compete with hundreds of applicants and go through a screening test three times. Nurdin passed the tests. There are 19 fields offered by the training center, including automotive mechanics. This is a good opportunity for Nurdin to get advanced training on what he has learned in high school.
We are very happy of Nurdin’s enthusiasm in preparing for his future. When he found out that he was accepted at the training center, he asked us if he can still can go to college after finishing the training to take Business Management courses.

Nurdin in class