Facilities to Support Children’s Education

Due to the second wave that hit Indonesia, the Government imposed Emergency Public Activity Restriction (PPKM) in July. Thus, some schools that were pre-planned to start opening in July was halted. However, in September, some Early Childhood Education and Development (PAUD) schools started 2 times a week. All school levels Primary and Secondary schools have also slowly opened with restricted timings from 7:30 am – 10:30 am.

XSProject continues to provide activities for the children like painting and sports to entertain them. During July – August to help children study smoothly XSProject, provided them with the space and facilities. We provided a mentor to assist the students with their Online classes and HomeWorks. We noticed a significant change in the children’s growth as they have gone through some tough challenges due to Online education. Some Primary school students are unable to complete their HomeWorks correctly as they are unable to understand the instructions clearly. The challenges are faced as these vulnerable children who are underprivileged are only using their smartphones to communicate with their teachers. We provide them with mobile phone credits to ease their communication with their teacher. Apart from the facilities we also start to monitor their classes to ensure everything is smooth.

Art Session
Playing Outdoor

In addition to these activities, we also had the opportunity to give them healthy snacks and meals, as this will help them to provide healthy nutrition during the pandemic. Parents are also involved in preparing healthy meals so the children feel happy.

Both parents and the children were happy and felt relieved due to support from XSProject. We continue to plan better facilities for them like installing screens so the children can study more efficiently.

We hope we can continue to enhance the activities for the children whilst also hoping the situation will improve soon.

We thank you, our customers and the community for the support and dedication to our project.

Lunch time

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+62 812 1053 614

Yayasan XSProject
Jl. H. Muri Salim no. 19
RT 06 RW 002
Kecamatan Ciputat Timur
Kota Tangerang Selatan
Banten 15419

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